Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mother Fatema (s.) Was the funeral

Do the king's daughter Jahan, the wife of Ali, Hassan, Hussein's mother and the mother of Paradise forewoman Fatema Zahra (RA.). Fatima (RA.) Death story when you can not hold back my tears. After the demise of the Messenger of Allah Hazrat Fatima RA saiyyeda wear the break. Was worried all the time. He was always waiting, when the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him for the first time as well as the predictions. Phatemai be implemented to meet with him. Do not mind the work took place. Small boy-girl thing. But was unable to look after them. The women of Paradise umaisa sardara Hazrat Fatima Asma (RA.) To take over the family fortune was great. Fatima, the Prophet's family to care if he's sincere. A first cousin of the Prophet, peace be upon him umaisa Asma bint Abu yaphara taiyyara R's wife. R yaphara when he was martyred in the battle mutara. Asma bint Abu Bakr, the Prophet married umaisake successor. He is the Prophet of Allah and his family to take care of it. Mimosa is the Prophet of Allah. He kept saying that Asma umaisa R Who, since the shortage of screens that led kholabhabe janazah. I hate that. So I want to take the time to go and bury my Janazah the full screen will be protected. Therefore, you and me without my husband's support, and do not take a bath at the time. Janazah was taken the night that happens. Asma Allah said: O Messenger of Allah, Betty! I saw Habash, the funeral was covered with a cloth on the branches of trees tied up. It is made of a shape like dhulira. It dates Asma Allah brought some slope. These are then displayed together on Hazrat Fatima RA who showed up. The scene was very happy to see the Prophet SAW said: Hey! This is a very nice way! Mother Fatima (RA.) Thus the slope after the death of her clothes displayed on the burial shroud of night is done off the rails. {Asadul Gaba 5/524, Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd, 8/57, row tarikhe Book Athar-677-679} Who taught janazah? Phatimatuja Zahra, who taught him the funeral prayer of the Prophet? The Hadith, and the Ahle Sunnat wal tarikha jamaata and Shiites in the book is available in three names. Namely: R 1-Ali. Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib R II. R 3-Abu Bakr. {Tabakate bin Saad 8/5, alabidaya oyananihaya -6 / 333} عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه قال: ماتت فاطمة بنت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فجاء أبو بكر وعمر ليصلوا فقال أبو بكر لعلي بن أبي طالب: تقدم, فقال: ما كنت لأتقدم وأنت خليفة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, فتقدم أبو بكر فصلى عليها . " Imam Sadiq yaphara his father Imam Muhammad Baqir rah rah of the MET Prophet Hazrat Abu Bakr ra ra died and came to the funeral prayer. Abu Bakr said to the Prophet, Hazrat Ali RA, you teach the funeral prayer. He said bin Ali, the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah! You can not go before. So Abu Bakr RA forward to read the prayer. {Kanz Ummal 12/515, Hadith Number -35677} عن مالك عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن جده علي بن الحسينقال: ماتت فاطمة بين المغرب والعشاء, فحضرها أبو بكر وعمر وعثمان والزبير وعبد الرحمن بن عوف, فلما وضعت ليصلى عليها قال علي -رضي الله عنه: تقدم يا أبا بكر قال: وأنت شاهد يا أبا الحسن? قال: نعم تقدم فوالله لا يصلي عليها غيرك, فصلى عليها أبو بكر -رضي الله عنهم أجمعين- ودفنت ليلا. خرجه البصري وخرجه ابن السمان في الموافقة. Translations of the Prophet Muhammad Baqir Jaafar Sadiq narrated from his father, and his father described to the yainula Affiliates, Maghrib and Isha khatune Paradise phatima died in mid-R's are. Then Abu Bakr ra, ra 'Uthman, Abu Zubair and Abdul Rahman bin Auf R was present for the funeral prayer. R to conduct the funeral prayer for the chief of the believers, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq said to the Prophet. Abu Bakr, the Prophet said, 'O Abul Hassan! How do I say Janazah your presence? Ali said, you come forward! swear to God! No person other than you do not Janazah of Hazrat Fatima RA. So Abu Bakr ra ra's funeral prayer in the Prophet. He was buried the same night. {Arariyajuna najaraha fee manakibila asaraha limuhiba Tabari 1/156} Burial: All the historians agree that the Prophet of Allah was buried at night off the rails. The funeral is done very quietly, lest abuses screen. A very small number of the Bani Hashim sahabiganai have to attend the funeral. Ali R, R Abbas, the Prophet Hazrat Fatima Fazal bin Abbas ra ra, who was in the grave. Where is the tomb of Hazrat Fatima RA khatune Paradise? Some of the statements is available. For example, 1 Dar `Aqil in one place. {Tabakate bin Saad 8/258} Two-Paradise credits. {Khulasatula Wafa 217, alabidaya oyananihaya -6 / 334, alaisabaha 4/380} 3 is buried in his home, which was in the house of the Prophet Muhammad. {Khulasatula Wafa 3/901}

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Take that, Al-Qur'an is the greatest verse Virtue

6666 has a total of 114 verses of the Holy Qur'an Surah. Each chapter contains separate Virtue. Some recital of Surah is available in so many diseases on a regular basis during the period of some of the great blessings of the Garden. Can anyone tell me of this. Which is the greatest verse in the Quran? Which works best on a regular basis, and can be used to gain the favor. Virtue and the blessings of the greatest verses ie the Kursi. The second verse 55 of Surah al-Baqarah of the Quran. God's power in the universe is described in the verse. Ayat Kursi text Virtue Hadith 1: Abu umama said. Narrated. Allah's Messenger of Allah said, Ayat Kursi per person at the end of the obligatory prayer, he will enter paradise without death, there is no longer a barrier. (Verse Sharif) The hadith: Hazrat Ali. I heard the Prophet sa, that person Ayat Kursi after every obligatory prayer was regular, the Paradise is a barrier to entry, only death. He said that the verse in his house before bed, the neighbor's house and around the house to keep the peace. (Sunan Bayhaqi) 3 hadith: Hazrat Umar Ubay ibn Ka'b. It was narrated from the Prophet Muhammad. Ubay ibn Club asked, yeah you a verse of the Quran is the greatest? He said, (Allah, La ilaha illa hual haiyyula kaiyyuma) then I loved. He put his hand on his chest, Abu Mundhir! Because of this knowledge, thank you. (Sahih Muslim)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Although the 8 signals in the face of love Girls

Ready for love eating. But the enemy does not dare she will offer her love. Seeing how the 'bhyabala' go. Seems like a swinging pendulum tension. She loves to do? He fell in love with you? Or is all one-sided? Just loved himself? Do not sit studying. Ucatana empty. There is no sound mind in class lectures. What to do? What to do? That will, I labha UK? Say it is not. However, what it means, there are also weaknesses? In fact, the girls could not say never about love. However, the love of his choice before the girls try to convince the man that he is, by implication, 8 eternal loves you. 1. Wings coffee shop has two college-end coffee go together. She agreed. He has several wings. Not once, to go anywhere with you when she comes to dress very conscious way. II. Niribilite see if the hair, she is trying to be a little closer. Take the time to talk with your hair absently going to be playing. When I look at the eyes and you will know, is that the language of the tangible, what will and what will not. You can tell him uninterruptedly. 3. Tell it to the eye, if you dislike, no girl will not agree to go around. If she sees that you are listening carefully, he will not blink, looking in your eyes, it means there is a place in his heart. 4. Let's not go anywhere near you, see you, she says repeatedly, to go out sometime, I understand, if not relieved, never talked. You know, the press niribilite fund your company. 5. When a philosopher of love achilaya or chumtonataya she will not touch you, it means a lot under the surface of the water went away. 6. Hold the college canteen or coffee shop and sat words laughed fallen a lot in on chatting. She also has that. If you have fun you bring to his attention some are trying to say. However, it will not be able to smile to anyone. He is not one smiled. Except for those only. Typically, these signs and premerai. 7. Angry oil brinjal: If you forget the woman she praised or showed a little interest, you can see how the monsoon clouds sunny face darkens. In anger, not in two words, so you can hear. Be sure, she loves you. 8. "I will come to the little house?" If you ever get an offer, be sure to atharoana on solaanara She loves you. This is the eight symptoms, do not delay, and do not shrink in the wash as smartly. Because of love, with no risk of rejection. He may be waiting for you to say. Love is no longer a crime.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Girls lipstick on the lips, why?

Lipstick, which is a type of cosmetic products such as pigments, oil, wax, and the skin is made sannibese komalakari material, and increase the beauty of the face is applied to the lips. Different types of lipstick may be. Lipstick is usually used by women, and children without working up to use it. Bayasandhikale females are usually a girl or young women does not apply, because the natural color of the lips and the fold, above all, the beauty remains. A pair of brightly colored red or pink color on the lips intimidate the whole harnesses made to perfection. With the application and increase the attraction of women. At first appearance, both men and women in the eyes of men from the lips of the pair of colorful lips naturally difficult to move. There's magic in this lip color? Why are men always the eternal attraction of many colors intimidate the mouth? The color has a different language. The same effect on people of one color. Even women every day that you've put on lipstick are also some special meaning. Many may not know about. But on a different color of lipstick have a different language and the ability to attract. With lipstick color you will be able to express your personality and mood. Let's get to know different languages ​​in different lipstick. Red lipstick The red color is appealing. Generally, adding lipstick red lips for a sexy show, and is used to attract the opposite sex. The glossy red lipstick, especially if it is, then it's definitely on sex appeal. Matte red lipstick look represents a dramatic beauty. The appearance of the application and of the mystery of the combination of matte red lipstick. Red lipstick is the drama, sexuality, passion, excitement and joy symbol. Scientists said the intense sexual arousal in women became red lips. Raktimatara symbol of the red lipstick. Pink Lipstick Pink, magenta, hot pink or light pink lipstick is quite popular across the world. From ancient times to come up with a whole bunch of pink pair of lips put women love pink lipstick. The pink color of femininity, elegance and romance symbol. Naritbake's more interesting is the use of pink lipstick. The pink color of the light or dark skin color is used. Orange or coral lipstick Youthful exuberance, joy, happy and vigor of expression is considered to be ideal for the orange lipastikake. Surge own inner expression language can be orange or coral lipstick. Attract their attention when talking with people and myself can convincingly show orange or coral lip color lipastike adding dye. However, choose the color that fits with the skin. Bargendi or purple lipstick Bargendi or purple lipstick magic, power, dignity, nobility, and reveals the depth. If your skin color is purple and bargendi syamala lipstick on your naritbake with the dignity that. The lighter color shade of the color of light used to publish two own dignity, femininity and elegance. Nyuda and brown lipstick Nyuda and brown lipstick is always used. This is the color used to feel pretty comfortable around everyone. Nyuda Brown lipstick and a symbol of nature and neutrality. Nyuda tbakei can adapt to almost all types and brown-colored lipstick. However, this is likely to show two yellow colored lipstick and planted some teeth.

How will Hurra Paradise?

1) other blessings of Paradise hure inao be a blessing. Ii) In any hure Yakut and red like jewels. 3) with the incomparable beauty and lajjasilatayao hure inara satitba themselves to be comparable. 4) Human huraderake any other man has ever touched before. Huraderakeo previously never touched any Jinn jinn. Allah says: "Therein ayatanayana damsels. Jinn and man has not touched any of those before. So they will deny your Lord? Coral and pollen and women alike. So both of you will deny increases? (Surah Ar-Rahman -55 / 56-59) 5) hurera be so timid, do not look up to anybody except her husband. 6) hurera hidden inside the egg will be softer than thin skin. Allah said to them that they were wide-eyed youngster surakhyita eggs. (Surah seen 37 / 48-49) 7) Paradise hurera bisista pretty shy eyes, pearls, and their transparency and color of the white gold that will optimize the sanrakhyita. Allah says ayatanayana Therein maidens. Rakhyita cover of pearls, they used to do it as a reward. (Surah oyakbiya 56/2224) 8) The worst men in Paradise will marry with eyes. Allah says that which they will be paid as a satisfaction for what you drink. They break into the reclining seat. I'll marry them with eyes wide-eyed. (Al-Tur 5/1920) 9) hurera their husbands to be the same age. Allah said to them, women will have a wide eye age. You are promised for the Day of Judgment. (Surah Soad 38/5253) 10) to give the joy of Paradise, his eyes sbamidera music. Anas (RA :) conform to. The Prophet (peace be upon him, said :): Paradise found caksubisista hurera will serve music, as we satcaritrera beautiful and chaste and a right Hur. We were waiting for our sbamidera forward. (Tbabarani, Hadith No. -1598) Subahanaallaha ... .. 11) has to Allah for the believers in Paradise huraderake. Moaz bin Jabal (RA :) reported. He said the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him, said :): When a woman gives her any trouble, the eyes of the faithful wife ayatanayana say, God dhbansa to tell you, do not hurt him. You have to close for a few days he will soon leave you to it. (Ibn mayaha, Albani, 1st part, H: No. 1637) Buraidah (R :) reported. He said that the Prophet (peace be upon him, said :). When I enter Paradise and received one of the younger me, I told him, Who are you? He said that I for Zaid bin Harithah. (Ibn asakera. Sahih Al-Jami Sagir. Albani. H: No. -361) They have been written "Heaven and Hell", describing the book, written by Muhammad Iqbal kilani. (Tawheed Publications published)