Many went to bed at night, sleep does not come easily. To wince on bed. At the end of the day, the fatigue of the night to get to sleep a little peace of so many things we do not.
Like many things, before bed drink more water, and let us work the body more tired, sleep so early. But the work does not. Time to sleep, tossing and turning in bed, but you can not sleep. Rather than worry about the depression took hold.
What should you sleep better, which has a path Well, Harvard University researcher Andrew. He says, enough sleep at night is very important for healthy living. This is one of the tool may get success in the workplace. To stay mentally healthy enough sleep, there is no alternative.
Well Andrew ways to sleep better guides. He said a special exercise. All breathing exercises, which are very helpful for sleep. Exercise, known as 4-7-8. Those who suffer from insomnia problems if they exercise too quickly in some cases even less than a minute you can fall asleep.
Exercise rules
The first 4 seconds of breathing through the nose is very good.
After 7 seconds and hold breath. Do not leave breath.
Drop 8 seconds, then breathe through the mouth.
The times and go to sleep.
Peaceful sleep
Many people say it is not so in the case of exercise, sleeping. 1 minute ago There is no question that came up. However, in an online report, the exercise will not only affect the lungs, it also works in the brain. It is like oxygen to reach the brain and carbon dioxide is eliminated. Moreover, a decrease in heartbeat and anxiety, which lowers the body and peace of mind. That is why peace is sleep.
But we do not say that it was, at Harvard University researcher Andrew wells that I try to exercise, and how much of the benefits received.