Thursday, September 24, 2015

Her age, but can not afford, people who the Prophet (peace be upon him.) To which the

Many people in our society is going through, but he is a person of her age is unemployed. There is no way to restrict its revenue. This form is what people will be able to get married? Abdullah bin Masud (RA.) Narrated from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him.) Said, "O youth! Who among you can afford to marry, they ought to be married. Controlling and protecting the sanctity of marriage, the genitalia. And those who do not have samathya he was fasting. Fasting is a means to suppress the youth. Marriage and virginity to her character can protect. As for the relationship between men and women in Islam marriage is the only legitimate way. Dress it obscures the human body, naked and ugly things tend to be revealed, as husband and wife in marriage and sexual excitement obscures the blame fault, not to be revealed. The message of the Qur'an: "We sent Messengers before you and made arrangements for their wives and children." (Raad -38), "said the wife, husband or wife and your children, do not. Give your marriage, get married and be slaves. "(Noor 32) Abdullah bin Masud [s.] Narrated from the Messenger of Allah [Muhammad.] Said, "O youth! Who among you can afford to marry, they ought to be married. Because of her controlling, protecting the sanctity of genitalia. And those who can not afford to let him fast. Fasting is a means to suppress the youth. [Bukhari, Muslim, misataka H / 3080 Nikah section.] As discussed above, the Koran and the Hadith Apparently, you can not afford not to Thackeray never married. Those who can not afford them, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him.) Said for fasting.

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