Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Qur'an is the only herbal ingredients

Quran is the only exhibition of hand-made with herbal ingredients on December 7 starting on Sunday in Dubai. The exhibition will run until 11 December. Hedema Arts, an institution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Dubai garahaude Commerce City has organized the exhibition. Taher Hamdi Turkish Unani doctors from late 1957 to 1979, the 3-year effort of the Quran Sharif. Unani medical procedure has been used by applying it to more than 00 herbal ingredients. The 606-page letter krimasahayoge herbal Quran, chapter name, chapter title pages on the surface, page numbers, and borders have been equipped. Arts hedema the Quran Sharif in preparing herbal materials that have been used, it is present in many animal ingredients. The seven and a half kilograms of weight. Different types of seeds, fruits, leaves and tree roots were prepared from herbal compound. Ayarabiyana business.

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