Saturday, August 29, 2015

The terrible events that occur in the field of the resurrection 1

How will it be the people of God, the resurrection of the field, many have forgotten the question. For now, the resurrection day will not be so small. The 50-day time limit is a thousand years. [Muslim, Mishkat: 1773]. I believe that day will be remembered as a period of compulsory prayer. [Bayahbaki, Mishkat: 5563]. Judgment about the state of the ground briefly mentioned in the Quran, the Hadith are the discussions lower 1. The day will combine together. [Al-Anaam: X] II. The texture of the bread. [Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat: 5298] 3. Barefooted man, fig-leaf and khatanabihina be gathered. [Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat: 5302] 4. None of the attention will be on vacation. [Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat: 5302] 5. Unbelievers will be gathered via the mouth hamtiye. [Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat: 5303] 6. That man would be sweaty, even in the sweat to reach their ears. [Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat: 5306, 5308] 7 suryake will bring near and the regime will sink in proportion sweat. [Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat: 5306, 5308] 8. For those who have not prostrated on the earth, or on the day of God, prostrated to show people they can not have prostrated. [Al-Kalam: 4243; Ch: 5308] 9. Believers must face account. [Ch: 5315] 10. He will destroy critical to verify the account. [Ch: 5315] 11. That man's mouth will be closed. [Surah Yasin: 65] 1. Hand, foot, ear, eye and skin will testify against the man.

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