Muakkadaha witr prayer is Sunnat. The prayer of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) used to inspire and motivate the Ummah. Hazrat Ali (ra) said, 'Vitr is not obligatory like prayer; However, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) Sunnah has just cooked; He said, "Of course God Vitr (unpaired), he Vitr (jorasunyata or odd) would prefer. So Vitr (odd) read the prayer, O People of the Book "(abudauda, Sunan Tirmidhi, Sunan, Nasa'i, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan, Ibn khuyaimah, Sahih, Sahih taragiba No. 588)
Ansar tribe of Israel, a man named Kinanah mukhadiji A man named Abu Muhammad, the forfeit Vitr prayer. Ubadah disciples heard bin Samit (R) said, "Abu Mohammed says is wrong." I am the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) told the hearing, "the five daily prayers that Allah has enjoined on slaves. Thus, it will pay yathartharupe and it will not terminate with the importance of some of the people of God, for this commitment "to fulfill that, he will admit him into Paradise. But he will not say it, no promises of God for him, "there is no harm. He willed, He will punish him, or else can, if desired Paradise. "(Malek, muatta, abudauda, Sunan, Nasa'i, Sunan, Ibn Hibban, Sahih, Sahih taragiba No. 363)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) had prayed Vitr on riding. (Bukhari, Muslim, sunanu arabaaha (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah Nasa'i) darakbutbani, Sunan of 1617) during the prayer, he came to the conveyance was kibalamukha. (Ahmad, Musnad, Al-Bukhari)
Vitr time:
Vitr time since the night before Fajr. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Allah has given you an extra prayer. Witr is that it therefore may be between Isha and Fajr. "(Ahmad, Musnad, silasilaha sahihaha, Albani No. 108)
Binaharesa guyaipha companions said, once I Ayesha (R) and asked, '- the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to perform Witr first night or last night?' He said, 'Sometimes he would Vitr first night, last night, never again. "I said, 'Allahu Akbar! Praise be to Allah, the (religion), the amplitude of the rekhechena "(Muslim, abudauda, 09 Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan, Ch No. 1263)
However, the person who thinks that he will not be able to last night, it is better to sleep on the first night was Witr. On the contrary, thinks that he is better for him to be able to last night last night reading Vitr.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever thinks that he will not be able to last night, the first night Vitr for him to take the fall. On the contrary, the idea that it is better for him to be able to last night last night reading Vitr. Because last night prayer angel appeared and that is the greatest. "(Ahmad, Musnad, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan, Ch No. 1260)
Once he Hazrat Abu Bakr (R) said, "When you read Vitr?" Abu Bakr (ra) said, "The first night after night." He Hazrat Umar (R) said, "And you proceeded "Umar (ra) said," Last night. "Finally he said," But you, O Abu Bakr! Fixed-guarantees are adopted. And thou, O Umar! (Last night of the wake) are taking confidence. "(Ahmad, Musnad, abudauda, Sunan, Hakim, mustadaraka)
The end of life of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) used to Vitr last night. For example, it was good. Notwithstanding his many disciples, fixed-assurance support to the special Vitr enter advised the first night. Advised as Abu Hurairah (R). (Bukhari, Muslim, Ch No. 1262), Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (ra), the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the mosque for Isha prayer Vitr performing a read. He was told, "If you only read one rak witr, he did not read much (what is)? 'He said,' Yes, I am the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) told the hearing that" we do not Vitr person does not sleep, he The fixed-confident man. "(Ahmad, Musnad)
The number of performing witr prayer:
Vitr one continuous prayer Salam 9, 7, 5, 3, performing read.
9. performing Vitr rules, 8-performing continuous tasahhude will sit down. Supplication and prayer-at-tahiyyata it back up the peace will return, and another performing the salute. (Muslim, Ch No. 1257)
7. performing Vitr rules, the 6-performing continuous tasahhude will sit. Supplication and prayer-at-tahiyyata it back up the peace will return, and another performing the salute. (Sunanu arabaaha (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Sunan and Ibn Majah), abudauda, Sunan, in 134, Sunan, Sunan No. 1719)
According to some rakahs sitting sixth in the last Tashahhud performing continuous 7 to return the salute. (Sunan, Sunan No. 1718)
5 performing Vitr rules, will sit tasahhude 5 performing continuous fall. The prayer-at-tahiyyata and supplication to return the salute. (Bukhari, Muslim, Sunan, Sunan 1717, Ch No. 1256)
3 performing Vitr rules are of two kinds:
(A) performing the Peace II will pay back. He also got a new one will return to performing the salute. (Ibn Abi Shaibah, E slow: 2150), Ibn 'Umar would thus Vitr. (Bukhari)
(B) 3 is performing continuous tasahhude will sit. The prayer-at-tahiyyata and supplication to return the salute. (Hakim, mustadaraka 1/304, bayahaki 328, 3/31), like in the case of the Maghreb prayer (after performing two) at-tahiyyata can not be read. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) forbade distributors to the Maghreb. (Ibn Hibban, authentic 2420, Hakim, mustadaraka 1/304, 3/31 bayahaki, darakbutbani, Sunan No. 1634)
Besides, 3 performing Vitr read as Maghreb, (darakbutbani, Sunan of 1637) as the new tahrimara takabira (opposite) with the hands tied takabira Qunut read as described by some salapha, but it is not authentic. (E slow: No. 427, tuhphatula ahaoyayi 1/464) then disapproved and rejected it.
1 performing Vitr:
Vitr performing a read. Even the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to Vitr performing one. "The two performing night prayers two rak'ahs. So when one of you is likely to be the dawn of a performing witr when he takes the fall. "(Bukhari, Muslim, Ch No. 1254)
He said, "Last night, one of the performing witr." (Muslim, Ch No. 1255
He said, "Vitr the Bank or true for every Muslim. So the 5 performing Vitr to read it, so let that 3 performing like she let the one performing like she fall. "(Abudauda, Sunan 1422, Sunan, Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan, Ch 1265 No. )
Ibn Abbas (R) is called, differed (R) one night after performing Vitr '(the right)? He said, "He was right. He phakih. Let's leave him, the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions. "(Bukhari, Ch No. 1277)
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